A terribly long absence from the Aimee blog, apologies to all my three readers!
Well it certainly has been eventful recently. Firstly, Aimee’s Grandad (Ye-Ye in Chinese), my Dad, suffered a stroke and is recovering in hospital. Aimee went to visit him several times and seems to be quite excited with the hustle and bustle of hospital life. It certainly put a smile on my Dads face to see the little one. I especially adore his personal descriptive comments of Aimee. My favourite being the one where he likens her pudgy hands to Chinese dim sum dish called bao-bao – white puffy buns filled with sweet meat. Quite accurate.
Aimee now has three teeth with a fourth possibly about to appear soon – we hope, since each tooth brings at least 3 nights of painful crying at night and no sleep for me and Cat.
She is increasingly active and explorative these days. The front room has two padded play mats that cover the entire floor space – and still she finds nooks and crannies in which to wedge herself. All this from a baby who cannot yet crawl. The preferred method of locomotion is to roll sideways, or bum shuffle backwards. We cannot take our eyes of her for a second or some impending object will be grabbed or she will disappear down some cactus plant pot.
On a positive front, Aimee can pretty much go to sleep at night without the long drawn out routine of rocking, feeding, comforting etc that we have been doing for the past 8 months. After a generous bottle feed, a few words goodnight, we leave her in the cot to play with her toys (she loves cuddly animals now) eventually falling asleep. So far, only the teething pains have woken her.Aimee starts nursery next month. I’ll report on how she does in my next article.