Saturday, December 30, 2006

Aimee's second Xmas

Aimee had a tremendous Christmas in MK surrounded and thoroughly spoiled by her grandparents, aunties, uncle and half the stock of ToysRUs!
The little one seemed to devlop a quantum leap whilst in MK. Aimee refuses to crawl now, no matter how many falls, she picks herself up and carries on walking. She is also 'chatting'non-stop. It might sound like squawking to our untrained ears, but in baby world, she is chatting.
Almost everything you do, Aimee now tries to copy. Including dance moves, drinking, brushing teeth, eating, and pointing, her new power tool. We saw the beginnings of her pointing at objects and demanding they come to her. Usually dangerous things banned to Aimee - resulting in a short spell of tantrums. Nevertheless, it is amazing to see Aimee go through this growth spurt. I feel I am able to communicate much more with Aimee in a two way process. Certainly it is a very exhausting but very enjoyable time.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


WARNING - A small hobbit like creature has been spotted lurking amongst electronic gadgets section of department stores. Be on the lookout but do not approach. Althought on the surface it is seemingly harmless and even quite cute, this creature is highly dangerous with non-stop dribble and possible foul odours emanating from the bottom end.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Aimee fame continues to reach a wider audience. Her photo was in the Daily Mirror on Monday and now, she will be used for a huge wall display in the reception to the Hong Kong office of the BBC. How impressive is that? I wonder if the HK office picked Aimee because she is half chinese? Or because she is the prettiest baby in the universe? No bias in that statement of course.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Just a virus

Boy, we thought we'd seen the worst an Aimee illness can bring, but this past week, Aimee has really been on form.
It started with a general bout of whinging and fussing during the day and refusal to eat or drink. Nothing we hadn't seen before. Then, quite without warning, Aimee prjectile vomited her entire stomach contents - a satisfying blend of cheesy curdled formula milk and flakey rice. The next 3 or 4 days were hell as she cried constantly and doubled up in pain. At one stage, when she started to act listless and eyes rolling, we took her to the hospital but they simply said she had a virus and she was not in serious danger. The GP, a few days later said the same. Both me and Cat took turns and used up our annual leave to care for Aimee. We also missed a handful of Xmas parties. But it was all worth it as of course, now, Aimee is now fully recovered and acts like before - only more hyper and more uncontrollable, with her incessant search and destroy behaviour. Welcome back to the land of the living, AimeeO.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Poor little Aimee is unwell again. Crying constantly, no interest in food or drink and barely making any effort to crawl or walk. When she projectile vomited and started acting all drowsy and listless we wondered if it was concussion from a bang to the head? So off we went to the hospital for an emergency check-up. They found nothing wrong other than a sore throat. The paediatrician said she suspected Aimee had a virus infection. This I know to be a euphemism for ‘I don’t have a clue, but if I say virus infection, it will impress the parents.’ So we’re back, at home, with a very upset and crying baby and still, no appetite for food or drink. Cat called her friend and they confirmed that they too had suffered similar – so obviously it is a bug going around. Poor Aimee, I hope it clears up soon, cos it is horrible watching her double up in pain.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

STOP PRESS - Aimee can walk

STOP PRESS....Aimee can walk!
She took about 10-20 steps on Tuesday at nursery and since then, has been walking for longer and more often each day. Sadly, both me and Cat are at work so really only seen glimpses, as by the end of the day, she is too cranky to try. But hopefully, this weekend, I will have a full video report. Wow, how the little one grows so fast.