Aimee had a tremendous Christmas in MK surrounded and thoroughly spoiled by her grandparents, aunties, uncle and half the stock of ToysRUs!
The little one seemed to devlop a quantum leap whilst in MK. Aimee refuses to crawl now, no matter how many falls, she picks herself up and carries on walking. She is also 'chatting'non-stop. It might sound like squawking to our untrained ears, but in baby world, she is chatting.
Almost everything you do, Aimee now tries to copy. Including dance moves, drinking, brushing teeth, eating, and pointing, her new power tool. We saw the beginnings of her pointing at objects and demanding they come to her. Usually dangerous things banned to Aimee - resulting in a short spell of tantrums. Nevertheless, it is amazing to see Aimee go through this growth spurt. I feel I am able to communicate much more with Aimee in a two way process. Certainly it is a very exhausting but very enjoyable time.