Aimee in the nursery garden (23.1.07)After a brief hiatus suffering from an MMR induced illness (high fever,
loss of appetite, general unhappiness), Aimee is back to full health and
raring to go everywhere. Currently, she seems to have a fixation on the
musical rocking chair that she first used a very tiny newborn.
We stopped using this chair when Aimee was about 9 months old and
packed it away. But Aimee saw it one day under the table and
screamed that we erect it again. So there it now sits, in her bedroom
and every so often, she will decide to sit down and just 'chill out'. With
the ambient music and twinkling lights, she really loves it.
Unfortunately, it is not designed for a baby of her size and weight. So
we hope it doesn't snap and break.
Aimee is getting a bit more dextrous with her 'talking'. She comes out
with a large variety of chatty sounds. At some points in the day, she
gets so caught up in her utterances that she sound like a Marrakeshi
market stall holder giving it the finest bartering gibberish.
We have been systematically turning the house upside down trying to
find the red vaccine book and finally, Cat found it had fallen
underneath the set of drawers in our living room. Phew! Now it
confirmed that we were wrong, Aimee has not has her PCV jab so
we'd better get that pronto.
I finally got round to buying the next installment of the series of baby manuals. So far I bought the 'What to expect' books 1 (pregnancy) and 2 (first Year), and I thought I ought to see what new things I should be paranoid about in book 3 (The toddler years). Haven't actually read it properly yet, but according to chapter one, Aimee should be doing her GCSE's by now and if not, then I am a bad parent.