Sunday, June 29, 2008
Mad house

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
All Stand Up

Time flies so fast these days. Already my sister, Mat and their son Oscar are preparing to fly back to their home in Thailand. The time was so brief but the kids seem to really enjoy their stay. I hope they get to meet up more often as they grow older. I loved playing with Oscar and I think being an uncle is kinda cool.
Dylan goes through days when we is voracious, gobbling up anything you feed him and drinking well. Then there are days, sadly quite a lot of them, where he simply refuses outright, thrashing his fists in anger and shaking his head in fury. We've given up trying to figure out his mood swings and erratic night schedule and just cope the best we can - resigned to a life (for now) of little sleep and constant exhuaustion. But DJ can do amazing things. Today he stood up. I kid you not, the boy (7 months old remember) stood up on his own, wavered around, squatted then stood up again - all without holding on to anything. He seemed to realise his amazing feat and grinned ear to ear. I was open mouthed in shock, but only I witnessed it and Cat doesn't believe me.
I filled in forms today for both Aimee and Dylan to go to the local nursery. Not just any nursery, it is a Montessori school.
This method believes that children go through specific 'sensitive' periods where they learn a new skill very fast. I think Aimee is going through this right now for speech. Everyday, me and Cat are amazed at something new she has said, often in a perfect sentance. She even makes jokes and funny faces just to amuse us. She also has an incredible memory. We have this book, meant for adults to read, but it has loads of clip art of misc things and she has memorised them all. Yesterday I bought a book with 1000 pictures in, and I am gonna see how many she can learn and remember.
Congratulations for my friends Dai and Lisa who just had their second child - a healthy boy called Evan.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
A cousin comes over

The Yangwood home has just welcomed sister Mei back in the UK with her lovely baby boy Oscar. They're in the UK only for a few weeks, but already, the first few days were spent busily showing the best we have in B'Wood.
It's really cool watching Oscar, who can crawl at quite a pace, interact with our two little mischief makers. Dylan seems to thoroughly enjoy the company and Aimee is completely besotted with her aunty gu-gu, follwing her everywhere and demanding that she play with her all the time.

Whilst we were out and about, Dylan got the chance to have his first go on the playground swings. As you can see from his happy expression, he enjoyed the experience immensely. Dylan is also eating a lot better since we started him on the Rinitidine. In fact he is so voracious all the time that he puts anything and everything in his mouth. From puree to small finger foods in quick succession. Already he is loving potato, chicken, beef, carrots, proper long grain rice, crackers, biscuit and many more. He still doesn't any patience for the bottle or breast so doesn't drink much during the day, but the health visitor thinks he is doing ok. He'll be weighed again in a fortnight and if he doesn't pile on the weight and hit the 'correct' portion of his growth chart, I'll eat my hat!
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