Monday, December 14, 2009

November 2009

Novembers looks set to be always a busy month. Dylan and Aimee had their respective birthdays, and then a big bash to jointly celebrate with all their friends, then there was fireworks nights, and lots of warm clothes to get out the attic...

Monday, November 02, 2009

October 2009 slideshow

What happened in October - photo slideshow summary:


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Aimee Art - August 2009

The bumblebee and butterfly reign supreme this month...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Flying kids

It's so sweet to remember old times with the kids. That's why I take so many photos. Time moves fast and the kids grow so fast its hard to keep track. Photos help me remember the fun times.

I've changed photo accounts by the way. FROM NOW ON, ALL AIMEE AND DYLAN PHOTOS WILL BE ON FLICKR.
Click this link to see the August 2009 selection:

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Kungfu kids!

Wonder what happens if I show a few training drills to my kids...

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes

Umm, no posts for a while so apologies. I hope to be getting a new camcorder soon so I can post more amusing/interesting/cute stuff soon.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Aimee Art 2009!

Some recent aimee artworks all painted in April, apart from the last one.

This was a back of the envelope job, a smiling Sunflower I think...

Lots of smiling faces, our family maybe? And an attempt at writing her name...

A wide-eyed face with lots of eyelashes. Or maybe it is upside down and the face is crying tears?...

But here's my favourite. Painted in February at nursery. It is neat. It is smiling. It is Aimee through and through...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Out and about

Just some photos from out and about.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Bit of a mean look there son.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Aimee was awarded her first gymnastics certificate today. She managed a few forward rolls and even a head-stand. there's no stopping her now. I collected her from nursery last week and she was doing forward rolls on top of the stairs - made my heart stop a beat!
It's all fun to her. Hope she progresses well and becomes a bit more active.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Our boy is growing up fast. Weirdly I think he still has virtually the same appearance as he did when he was just a few months old - that round face, big eyes and lack of hair. But in reality, he is a boisterous, full-blooded, boy's boy and it is tiring keeping up with him.
In the photo above, you can see a red scrape to the left of his forehead. That's when Dylan slid down the nursery's outdoor kiddie slide head first and landed on the astroturf, scraping his face as he did so. That's just one example of his self inflicted injuries, but he also likes to inflict injuries on others. In the baby room, he loves to push over other babies, then sit on their heads. At home, he rugby tackles Aimee to the ground then, well, it doesn't go much further because Aimee's ear-bending wails are enough to send us scurrying to her rescue. Yup, the boy Dylan is going to be a bit of a bully bruiser. We'd all better watch out.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Numb nuts

I call this video numb nuts because everything Dylan says sounds like the words
'numb-nuts'. It doesn't help that I chant this to him to help him say it better!

Today was a good day for the kids. We took Aimee to her first ever Gymnastics lesson. She was a bit scared and needed Mum by her side all the time, but she did get to do a few forward rolls and a couple of bounces and leaps off the trampoline-like launch pad. It's not much but at least it gets Aimee to be a bit more active, which has concerned us recently.

Dylan observed the gymnastics and was itching to have a go himself. All in good time.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Orient Xpress

The 'Chinese' issue rears itself every now and again. Surprisingly never from my mum or dad who being fiercely proud of their culture you would expect to nag me about heritage. No, I get comments from people like my chinese hair dresser or the old ladies in Chinatown who coo and aagh over Aimee and Dylan and then say why you no speak chinese to little one?
I did manage to get Aimee to learn 1-10 in chinese when she was quite young, I think maybe 18-24 months. She would mimic anything I told her so it was easy. It's much harder these days.
I don’t have the energy or will power. But hope is on the horizon. Most schools in London and maybe in Herts now offer Chinese as a language option for GCSE and maybe A-levels. I think you have to go to a specialist college for A-levels and it does depend on expert langauge staff, but it is something on offer that was never around when I was a kid. Heck, when I was at school, home computers were but a twinkle in Bill Gates's eyes and cookery and metalwork were 'important' subjects.
The environment in which kids grow up is different too.
Schools are much more multi-ethnic and politically correct, which reflects society at large. If Aimee and Dylan grows up not knowing any Chinese, then they'll probably not be alone amongst other BBCs (British Born Chinese) or half BBCs (HABEEBIES?). And it won't really be an issue as it was with me.
But with the internet, cheap travel, good teachers and other resources, if they want to learn Chinese, it will be pretty easy to do so in this day and age.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

I Scream

Just had a really fun lunchtime sesh out with kids and my Mum at Toby Carvery. I can thoroughly recommend it as a family friendly gaff. Much much better than Harvester. cheaper too. Fiver for roast dinner and all you can eat sides and ice cream. Blimey guv.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Year of the Ox

Chinese New Year has come around again. Just like Xmas's and birthdays, they certainly come round faster each year. This year is chinese year of the Ox. Mum's birth sign. Ox's are hard working, caring, nurturing and kind. Isn't that right mummy?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pop Aimee Idol Factor

Here's a little Xmas video I only just got round to posting online:

And here's something we're saving for the next X-Factor audition:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Top of the mornin'

It's not all sweetness and light. Sometimes being a top model can be a downer when you are not in the mood! to be fair, Cat took this picture first thing in the morning for work reference purposes, not for the family album, and Aimee is not at her best at that time. This actually is the best of the batch!

Good Lord and I nearly forgot to mention...Dylan now sleeps through the night, ta da!
Every night for 14 months the wee lad has yelled out at the top of his voice twice, sometimes thrice nightly and poor old mumma would drag her tired bones to tend to his whim. Not now. Oh no. And you know the trick? Daddy time.
Yep, all last week we switched from Cat putting him to bed to me doing it, and you know what? He must have thought, oh darn, no mummy time, might as well go to sleep properly...and he did, crossed fingers. maybe it was a coincidence of timing (Aimee also slept through at the same age) but I can;t help feeling a large sense of achievement on my part.
Mind you, our travails are nothing compared to many parents I speak to. One Mum reminisced at how her 8 year old (EIGHT) year old son finally went to sleep all night without waking and crying out for his mummy. That's not the worst, Cat's work mate's daughter would not sleep on her own until she left...FOR UNIVERSITY! Man, that takes some beating!

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Aimee's chickenpox doesn't seem as bad as Dylan's, however her surface marks are nothing compared to her general emotions. So far since we've been back, she's been a lot more irritable, whingey, clingy and upset at the littlest things. She sleeps poorly and eats barely at all. We do our best to help her recover, with applications of 'magic' itchy cream and 'magic' biscuits. Everything has to be 'magic' or 'fairy' in order for her to accept them.

Oh yes, almost forgot to mention the biggie news of Dylan so far is that he can talk. Yep, I got witnesses to prove it. His first proper word came out over Xmas in front of Granny and Mummy. I fed Dylan some yoghurt and he blurted out the word 'Yo-Urt'. I was stunned. He said it again. And everyone heard. I got him also to say Grandma (gan ma) and then more words but by then he got bored and started fiddling with his straps. So far, Dylan can say just those words, plus mama and dadda, but I'm working on Nainai and yeye.

I also noticed that in between his squeals, screams and yelling, Dylan has started humming tunes. Yes, actually humming little dittys. How cool is that?

Aimee of course has a pretty staggering vocabulary now. But every now and then we giggle at her cute mispronounciations. Like; chickenpox is 'chicken pops', ABC is 'ab seed', the chinese cake ji-way-bao, is 'Jimmy Bao' and so on, too numerous to mention. It is so cute I am torn between correcting her every time and letting her continue with the error just as it amuses me so much. Evil dad eh?

Oh yes, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!