Monday, April 04, 2005

A Taste of things to come

Cat and I travelled down to Wales over the weekend to visit my friends and their 15 month ‘baby’. I say baby – but at 15 months old this girl was already running around like a toddler and commanded a vocabulary bigger than most people on a Monday morning. She is a delightful, playful, loving, bundle of fun and we had a great weekend. But it was clearly very hard work as just one look at my friends, with their happy but worn out expressions said it all. I was surprised to note how many tumbles and falls she took, some of them alarmingly hard, but she simply got up and carried on her activities without a blink. Clearly she was made of hard stuff.

It was a nice introduction to life in the company of a small child. I don’t think for one minute it will be easy, but on the other hand, I think I get on well with the idea of being a parent. I really like children and their playful innocence. Even the mini-tantrums and tears did not grate on my nerves as I thought it might. Of course I may have to eat my words come the time when I too am knee deep in poo, vomit and nappies.The weekend was nice for Cat too as she could get all the sympathy and wisdom of a person who has only recently been through all that before.

I finally have got round to using Cat's digital SLR. It is a technological thing of beauty and takes simply wonderful pictures. I can't believe I have persisted with my hack of a camera before. My friend told me he brought his videocamera to hospital the day after his wife gave birth and thus began his record of events - he has reems of tapes of his daughter growing up and looking back, he says, it never ceases to amaze them how fast she grows. I too will now record these momentous events in my life having got the hang of the SLR.

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