She just had her 26 week check up with the midwife today. All seems normal. Even the fact that she hasn't put on any weight. The midwife says they do not take into account body weight to check baby growth these days - it is all down to fundus size, which is measured directly over the tum.
We also got given a list of antenatal classes run by various midwives - which are four sessions covering basic relaxation, pain relief and tour of maternity unit. Sounds fairly ok to me as we wanted to do at least a minimum of antenatal classes, but we both didn't seem too keen on the full NCT 10 week course.
Well, the big day is drawing ever nearer and there is an increasing awareness from both of us to at least be seen to be preparing. So our name list is getting shorter, and our scan through the Mothercare catalogue is more earnest. But that's about the sum of our preparation so far.
I am sure there are couples out there who have already decked out their nursery and bought a zillion babyware. Not us, well, not yet.
On the issue of names, it seems that to satisfy both our personal favourites, we are now considering double barrelling the first name. Some combinations sound really nice - although a tad Southern Belle: eg Jamie-Lee or Anna-May (these not actual shortlist contenders).
We probably won't know what to name her until she arrives.
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