Thursday, December 08, 2005


Aimee is getting good at timing her wee-wees. She'll do it the minute you take away her old nappy and place a new one on. On a good day, she will release an arc of baby wee about two inches into the air, and just powerful enough to coat your hand which is holding the new nappy, plus it wil also leak onto the towel beneath her, hence requiring yet another item to add to the laundry bin.
But she is pretty calm during nappy change since we are beginning to suss out that we can pretty much do what we need as long as we feed her before hand. We are now adopting a new strategy of dosing her up on an extra ounce of milk just after her nappy change to ensure a full tummy and sleepy baby. So far this has not worked as planned since her wind is too painful for her to get any length of sleep.
Yesterday we all ventured out on our biggest excursion yet. Cat, Aimee, me and MIL travelled to the BBC to see Cat's work colleagues. You can't imagine the logistical nightmare that preparing that trip involved. Since we are bottle feeding, we needed to pack all the pre-chilled bottles, nappies, changing mat etc etc, but also we needed to bring the electric breast pump and all the accessories for that. But we managed it. And clearly, Cat's work colleagues enjoyed seeing little Aimee, who put ona charm offensive worthy of an Oscar.

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