Yesterday, Valentine's Day, Cat and I were able to spend an evening out together for the first time since Aimee was born. Thanks to Cat's mum for taking baby-sitting duties. We enjoyed a nice meal and a great time - we felt like kids again. To cap off our great evening, Aimee managed to sleep 6 and half hours last night...sheer bliss.
Yesterday was also the day that Aimee was given the second of her scheduled three vaccine shots. Cat says she took the pain bravely and only cried for a little bit. Aimee's weight, at 12 weeks old is now 13lbs (6Kg) - so she has slowed down her previously phenomenal growth spurt, down to a more average level.
Cat and I were agreeing on how much our attitudes have changed. Before Aimee, we would baulk at the idea of buying needless toys, clothes and hip baby accessories. Now, anything goes. If it helps, we buy it, no second thought. Our latest purchase is a 'Baby Bjorn' baby carrier. These things are the Rolls Royce of carriers but their high cost is I think worth it. Soon as you pop Aimee in it, she is happy and content. The Mothercare one was pants and hurt our backs. This one, is like a second skin. Plus we get to look the part when we wander down Broadway market amongst the other aspiring middle class families with their Quinny prams and Baby gap fashion wear.
Cat just spoke to her friend, who is 21 weeks pregnant. The friend mentioned that her sister in law had SOLD her their second hand Moses basket (for nearly full price). She also tried to flog loads of other stuff, many of it originally given free. Now I'm sorry, but what sick fcuk sells on free second hand baby stuff to their own close relative? One of the things that amazed me and Cat was the sheer unprompted generosity of our friends and relatives in giving us gifts, presents and very useful second hand items when Aimee was born. We hope that we can pass on that goodwill to our friends and relatives with items we think are useful, but we would certainly not sell them our second hand baby gear, that would just be wrong.
Developmental recap: Aimee can now smile in response to your smile, or spontaneously, she can clasp her hands together, she can hold her head up without support, she seems to be teething, she can grip an object for a reasonable length of time, she can reach out and hit a dangling object eg on the Fisher Price toy piano.