Aimee is in the full throes of teething.Of course there is no tooth yet, but her constant drooling, red cheeks and insatiable desire to bite on anything withingrasping distance are obvious symptoms. What's most unpleasant about this phase is that she sleeps for no more than about half an hour at night, causing both me and Cat much sleepless anguish.On the good front, Aimee is now very good with her hand eye coordination, she is able to reach out and grasp for eye-catching toyings that are dangled in front of her. She also plays her 'piano' toy by batting the keys very hard and gaining much pleasure at the result of her actions.But it is all very hard work. Aimee it seems is one of those babies that simply cannot survive without constant attention.
Our friend Catherine came round yesterday.

Here she is playing with Aimee.
Cath is 5 months pregnant and came round eager to learn about life with a young baby. Of course Aimee was on her very best behaviour and Cath left our house seemingly quite happy - despite our horror stories of the things that went wrong during Cat's labour.
We're experiencing a mini-rough patch with the Aimster. We hope it won;t last. I am sure there are parents out there with far worse situations (like my friend Greg's baby who had colic for 3 months and cried non-stop for 4 hours every night). Team Yang will just have to battle it out.
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