Aimee got over the worst of her diahorrea eventually buther appetite remained stubbornly minimal for about two weeks. We wereboth very worried she wasn't eating anything, Cat even checked with the doctor but he didn't seem at all worried. Just said to come back if she carried on like this for another fortnight. A FORTNIGHT! She could waste away by then.Maybe he knew something we didn't. Almost immediately the next day, Aimee decided she was gonna eat. And for the past week now, she seems to be playing catch-up by wolfing down whatever you throw at her. Yoghurt, lentils, pasta, veg, porridge - even toast - she'll wolf it down with gusto.It's really great to see her eat so well after the trauma of her feeding strike. It is also a good op for me to experiment with new foods and Aimee seems to like everything at the moment. We still have avoided any meat though. The first time she tried chicken, she got diarhorrea. It may have been unlinked, but we weren't gonna take risks, so the nursery feed her veg. I plan to re-introduce fish soon. She liked it before, and I want her to explore with her hands more and feed herself. She is starting to do that with food I place on her baby table.
Aimee loves standing. She clings onto any handy object (playpen frame, door knobs, your trousers!) and just stands for ages. She then readjusts to a one handed show-off stance, then, sometimes, removes both her hands, but quickly plummets down onto her bum. I think she yearns to play like the bigger kids in the nursery. She's probably bored in the baby rooms cos the other two babies cry ALL DAY. I mean they cry when I drop her off in the morning and they cry when I pick them up at night. The carer has to cuddle them ALL DAY. So naturally Aimee is already thinking, this is boring! And stands by the gate looking out at all the fun in the toddler room. Sorry Aimee, but you'll have to stay there for at least another 6 months.

Aimee says three words so far: Mamamamama, Daddeee, uh-oh
I think the uh-oh is mean't to be Hullo, but she says it all the time so we just copy her and she loves it. She also loves being thrown around, upside down and spun around. We don;t do it too often, just in case we drop her, or she pukes on our heads, but it's a nice treat for her every now and again.
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