Clearly, she was in some distress about some new teeth that have decided now to make their presence known. But she was too distracted by the noises, smell and lots of friendly faces at the Shanghai Restaurant where we all ate lovely Dim Sum. Cat invited her friend Jennifer, her husband and their little 13 month boy Luke. My Mum and Dad also came.
As always, Aimee loved all the attention, although she obviously has no idea why all the fuss today. Little Luke is very funny. He is actually very developed and is able to communicate with his parents using words like MAW (= more), NANNA (= banana), MUMMY, DADDY, HAWO etc. All this from a boy only one month older than Aimee. We gets lots of sounds and vocal noises from Aimee but they don;t seem to be directed with any meaning. But we're not worried.
In any case, why worry when your baby is an international star, as the screen shot from the BBC website shows:
Yes the Robert Winston program is now out and all the press release pictures have included several Aimee photos. So far only the BBC and the Guardian have chosen Aimee's picture.
Funny Aimee antic of the day - she finds it REALLY hilarious when we slap our foreheadds (don;t ask how we found out). But she laughs her head off, then, she copies us. I mean we try and try to teach her important things like how to use a spoon etc but she ignores our actions, then, we slap our heads and she copies us like a little mime artist and pisses herself laughing. Amazing!
If I can get the video thingy to work, I maybe able to post visual evidence of her head slapping skillz.
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