Aimee was given a new toy - a toddler sized stroller. Of course she loved it immediately and would not stop strolling up and down my parents flat. When it came to dinner time, she would not let go of the handle and I had to lift her into the high chair with the stroller dangling somewhere below. Of course to Aimee, strolling around is not play, it is serious work, and she is a busy bee.
This weekend I particularly noticed how much she is beginning to mimic a good majority of words anyone says. Most of the time with alarming accuracy. For example when I shouted that dinner was ready to my Dad, who is hard of hearing, Aimee repeated the callout word for word. There were many other examples too. It's very cute. Better mind my swear words though.
Poo watch - the new diet is definitely better for Aimee. She loves grapes. Grapes, grapes, grapes! Also apple (cut into interesting shapes) and even the odd strawberry. Add to this wholewheat everything and we have one very regular child. She still does her straining and holding in trick, but there's no fighting it and eventually, she'll go. Phew! You just don't know how much of an obsession worrying about your kids poo can be!