Without sounding too pompous, a lot of people comment on my photos of Aimee and how good they are. Thanks to digital, what you don't see is the thousands of duff shots I take and the hours of 'setting up' of a scene just to get what I want. Poor Aimee, endures my endless photography sessions with good humour. She loves it now. Give a decade and I'll be begging her just to give a half smile and not hunch her shoulders.
In the photo above, I am just visible, milimetres away from getting my lens smacked by Aimee's swinging. I took about 150 exposures and in the end, only chose about 2 which I posted on the Aimee photo album - link on the right.
Aimees poo situation is getting beyond a joke. She stands there screaming in agony but refuses to let anyone help. Her body contorted in rigidity and clenching like there is no tomorrow. She releived herself in the end, but it took all day. We'll continue to monitor the situation and tweek the diet, but I am reluctant to go the laxative/suppository route. Hopefully it will be a short phase before we begin potty training. Or maybe a portent for worse to come..gulp!
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