It's almost time to say goodbye to our beloved Hackney flat. We took Aimee to granny and Grandad Macs and she resumed her hyper excited habits once we arrived. The Bletchley home is like a great big playpen for her and I don't think she will spend much time missing me and Cat while we tidy up our flat in readiness for the big move.
As I say, we have loved living here. I first bought the flat in 1999. The same year me and Cat got together. I remember my first night after an amazingly hectic day trying to move all my possessions. The sheer exhaustion of enduring the hardest manual labour I have ever had to do. But the next morning, me and Cat woke up to the most beautiful December morning sunrise piercing through the shoddy temporary curtain we made. In fact I did not even have a proper bed, as it was still in pieces, we just slept on the mattress on the floor.But the morning was so peaceful and tranquil. Of course, later on, me and Cat got married and we had Aimee. All happy memories of my time here.
I've loved how Cat has decorated the home with her paints and photos - something I have to be honest, I was too lazy to do myself. I have loved how Aimee's laughter and energy lights up every room. I will miss the fact that you can see Canary Wharf and the Gherkin tower from my window. I won't miss the nightmare parking or the sinister gangs of youths. I will miss how, London Fields transforms from a sad lonley park in winter, into a thriving riot of festivals in summer, with hundreds of people playing, laughing, cooking, sunbasking and chatting.
I wonder if Aimee will remember Hackney.
So onwards and forwards. Borehamwood here we come. I hope there will be many more happy memories to come in our new home. So, a toast to E8 and a fond farewell. Goodbye lovely flat. Hello, lovely new home.