I can't believe it but we may finally be able to settle this whole house move thing that's been going on since way back. Months of delays and more delays but finally, a date has been settled and we will be moving out of our Hackney flat and the only area that Aimee has known.
The nursery staff know we will be leaving and one staff member recalled how Aimee first came as a young baby, unable to crawl or eat by herself, now she is this voracious happy eager young toddler who careers around the nursery like all the others. Amazing how they grow.
I wonder how Aimee will take to the new house as she has not seen it yet. Then, quite soon after that shock, will come the next one in the shape of a little brother!
Despite getting its fair share of poor press, Hackney has been great to us and great for us as new parents. The support and services are excellent (if you have the money) and the close proximity of everything is a big bonus. I'll never forget living here, I hope maybe Aimee can remember fondly her many rides on the swings, the rocking horses and slides in Hackneys well run parks.
Aimee's vocabulary is growing too vast for me to catalogue now, but one example of her ability came today during bath time. She beckoned for her favourite pump dispenser and said: soap...(nods)..soap for arms.
Wow! A whole sentance, I nearly fell over and Cat just laughed and praised her. But Aimee just looked on wondering why we weren't giving her the soap as demanded.
Several readers (that's all of them then!) have asked what will I do with the blog once the new baby arrives. Well, I plan on keeping this same blog, but changing the content to include all the news concerning the whole of the family. Maybe I'll rename and redesign it too. Just another sign of the imminent shift that will happen when brother arrives, from Aimee being sole focus of our attention...but will always the No1 daughter.
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