The B'Wood Yangs enjoyed another Xmas this year at the Macca household - now with fully extended kitchen, dining area and master bedroom. Aimee of course made thorough use of all the new space and scurried around the place like it was her own home.
Both Aimee and Dylan (his first Xmas...wow!) received bountiful supply of pressies, so many that our car was in danger of collapsing under the weight. Sadly, the untrusty jalopy that is my car did indeed collapse, post Boxing Day necessitating a tow truck and a mechanic that was thankfully open during Xmas. My New Years resolution will definitely include buying a new car.
That was not the only incident over Xmas. 92 year old Granny still had enough gas in her to cause upset and turmoil with her criticisms and comments, same as every year.
But it did not spoil what was one of the best Xmas's we enjoyed for a long time, with our super extended family.
Aimee is now officially in the terrible twos (TT) category. Over Xmas she developed a quite demanding persona, escalating to full blown tantrum stakes. Back at home I went to Tesco and of course, supermarkets and toddler tantrums go to together like fish and chips. She went into a full on hysteria screaming fit all because I couldn't cuddle her, push the trolley and pick out groceries at the same time. She wanted cuddles there and then and everything had to stop. So after doing every trick I knew, I had enough and just plonked her into the trolley and proceeded to check out, with her screaming more loudly and begging 'out, out, out trolley, no daddy no daddy'. You can imagine the pitying onlookers and perpahs not a few unapproving gazes as well.
Since then, she has threatended a few more TT tantrums, but we've averted them with distraction and concessions. I have a horrible feeling it is only going to get worse.
Return of the Yangs
My mum and dad came back from Thailand after a 3 month stay from looking after my sister and her newborn Oscar. It was great to see them again, and looking so healthy and well. ngand dad immediately, well it was that and the tons of presents they brough back. She is easily pleased is our Aimee. My parents went all gaga with Dylan straight away, with lots of cooing and complimenting about his healthy physique and handsome face (of course, like his daddy!). Dyls played his part superbly by smiling lots and being generally cute. But as always, the star of the show is Aimee and she played them her full repertoire of laughs, gurnings, dance moves, comedy acts etc etc.
The new year will bring many changes for our kids. We hope to find a good nursery. We will start Aimee potty trainng. Dylan will grow bigger and start bottle, then weening. And, towards the end of 2008, Cat will return to work and we will have to work out a new routine. Lots for us to think and fret over.
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