Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Weight Loss Shocker

In a slightly shocking departure from Dylan’s meteoric growth progress, the baby nurse says Dylan is slightly underweight and needs to start weaning. Like what? This early? He’s only 4 and a bit months old. But she said he exhibited all the signs of a very hungry baby and simply wasn’t getting enough in his milk. Also, she said Cat needs to rest more (oh yeah, like that's rthe easy bit) and eat more calories (lots of chocolates are ok apparently). I must say, all this advice is a little contrary to what I was led to believe was the right thing to do. The UK govt officially recommends delaying weaning until baby is six months old, but admittedly most parents I know start when their bubba is 5 months old. So it’s all a bit confusing.
right now, Dyls seems happy to play and roll around. Maybe we'll see if he likes a bite of baby rice tomorrow. Only he can tell us if he is ready I guess.

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