Aimee is now at a level where we have to use bribes, coercion, gentle persuasion and downright force sometimes to get her to do what we think is right. Food is a very big issue. But today, something (we think) remarkable happened. We told a white lie. Normally, when we introduce a new food, Aimee says: Wot dat?
And we tell her the name. Which falls into her trap, and inevitably, she says: No, don't want [insert food name].
Today, I cooked oven chips and had some left over. I know full well Aimee would reject them (as she has in the past) but today, I just put them in a bowl and said to her: Hey, Aimee, look.
Right on cue, she asks me what they were, and I said: Biscuits.
Ok, not a white lie, a COMPLETE LIE.
I did qualify that they were 'potato biscuits'.
I should explain that Aimee loves biscuits. she eats them by the truck load and would eat them exclusively if she had the choice.
So by labelling them biscuits, she accepted them and ate them all, then asked for more!
Now, this trick won't work for everything (try spinach omelette for example). Since the item has to pass some resemblence to a biscuit. Since chips look like finger biscuits, I guess she just thought they were those.
An awesome result to a tiring but fun day. As it was sunny all weekend, the garden and park was used a lot, much to Daddy's exhaustion.
Some Dylan news, in response to our health visitor insisting we should dose DJ up on more protein, we now know that Dylan loves chicken. We tried him with creamy chicken straight out of a Heinz baby jar (bang goes our organic cook at home credentials) and he got so hyper with excitement, he kept blowing raspberries for ages and giggling, in a slightly demented fashion. So gathering that he digged chicken, I made a big batch of same thing, but home made (Annabel Karmel's Easy One Pot Chicken) and pureed it with formula milk (oh yeah, we're throwing everything at him). He loved it, sort of. He was also very tired and grumpy so picked at it. But I'm sure he'll be more enthusiastic tomorrow. If not, then it's a lot of chicken soup for us over the coming week! Or, we could always tell him it was biscuit (pureed).
And we tell her the name. Which falls into her trap, and inevitably, she says: No, don't want [insert food name].
Today, I cooked oven chips and had some left over. I know full well Aimee would reject them (as she has in the past) but today, I just put them in a bowl and said to her: Hey, Aimee, look.
Right on cue, she asks me what they were, and I said: Biscuits.
Ok, not a white lie, a COMPLETE LIE.
I did qualify that they were 'potato biscuits'.
I should explain that Aimee loves biscuits. she eats them by the truck load and would eat them exclusively if she had the choice.
So by labelling them biscuits, she accepted them and ate them all, then asked for more!
Now, this trick won't work for everything (try spinach omelette for example). Since the item has to pass some resemblence to a biscuit. Since chips look like finger biscuits, I guess she just thought they were those.
An awesome result to a tiring but fun day. As it was sunny all weekend, the garden and park was used a lot, much to Daddy's exhaustion.
Some Dylan news, in response to our health visitor insisting we should dose DJ up on more protein, we now know that Dylan loves chicken. We tried him with creamy chicken straight out of a Heinz baby jar (bang goes our organic cook at home credentials) and he got so hyper with excitement, he kept blowing raspberries for ages and giggling, in a slightly demented fashion. So gathering that he digged chicken, I made a big batch of same thing, but home made (Annabel Karmel's Easy One Pot Chicken) and pureed it with formula milk (oh yeah, we're throwing everything at him). He loved it, sort of. He was also very tired and grumpy so picked at it. But I'm sure he'll be more enthusiastic tomorrow. If not, then it's a lot of chicken soup for us over the coming week! Or, we could always tell him it was biscuit (pureed).
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