Dylan is slowly starting to grow some head hair. Only a very light fuzzy growth, way less than most 10 month-olds. I think that's one of the things that make his appearance so distinctive and, I have to confess, adds to his baby-like cuteness. Babies born with a full head of hair I think look a bit too mature for their face. One person at work (who doesn't really like kids) once screeched that she thought babies with lots of hair look like freaks! Well I wouldn't go that far.
He still doesn't have enough hair to tell what colour it will be. It's definitely lighter than Aimee's. At one point we thought he might turn into a copper top, and in strong sunlight, you do see a bit of the red in it. A harkback to his Scottish heritage I suspect. Now that would be a look to stun my kiddie-hating colleague - the half chinese ginger haired kid.
Aimee had a similar slow showing of head hair. At ten months, it was also a fuzzy peach fluff. Today, as she approaches 3 years, it's a messy mop of curls and tangles which desperately needs cutting. She does finally lke having her hair tied up into a vertical bunch though - just like Bam Bam from the flintstones. I'll try to get a snap of Aimee in BamBam mode, but in the meantime, here's the cartoon version.
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