Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas for a 3 year old must be one of the most magical events of the year - easily better than a birthday. I mean you get loads of presents, loads of cake and chocolate, loads of attention, loads os going out to see cool Xmassy things, and there's Santa and panto and carols and zillions of other things to keep an active child wild with excitement. We think Dylan enjoyed his Xmas too with his constant cheeky grin and excited state of being.
Christmas is also a time for sharing, and what better present to share than that of chicken pox passed from brother to sister. Yes, as drove home after spending 3 fun filled days at the MacCallums, Aimee complained of an itchy stomach and feeling a bit unwell. When we got home and checked her tummy sure enough, the tell-tale mini-spots were all over her torso, exactly the same as appeared on dylan two weeks previous. Ha well, another New Year spent indoors - no different to any other year I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aimee's hair has got so long! Aunty Janet