Aimee is getting bigger by the day. You can't imagine such a little one can have such a personality. Just now, I dropped some Infacol into her mouth (anti-colic medicine), she tasted it and then jammed her mouth closed so I could not administer the second drop. Then she just stares at you with intense suspicion. You should see her actually yell 'No!' whenever Cat introduces her nipple. She shakes her head from side to side and screams Noooooo. I thought babies could not talk? But when she feeds, she clasps her little hands together just as if she is praying - so cute you have to see it.
Right now, our new game is wake daddy up at 4am and scream blue murder until he cuddles her on his chest. then, paranoid that he will fall asleep and drop her, poor daddy has to lie there motionless until the next feed (3 hours).

But for a 13 day-old baby, she seems to take a keen interest in visual and aural stimuli. Cat brought out a musical playmat which makes sounds when touched. Aimee, visibly appeared to enjoy the mat and, whilst too young to smile, did kick her legs and arms around with gleeful abandon - either that or her nappy was filling up.
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