Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A moment alone

Aimee spent her first weekend apart from us as we decided we needed a break and spent 2 days in Old Amersham. We departed Cat's parents, who kindly offered babysitting duties, I would love to say Aimee threw a tantrum and begged for us to return, but NO, she was quite happy tottering around the house, playing on her new motor truck and generally unaware that Mummy and Daddy were absent. Pah! So much for clingyness.
But it wasn't too hard on us either as during our weekend break, we only talked about Aimee, ooh, about 50 percent of the time, no, make that 60 percent..honest.
And we only called to check on her about 5 times, maybe 6...
Towards the end, we almost forgot what having Aimee around 24/7 was like.
Upon our return, one look at my in-laws tired faces quickly reminded us of how exhausting she can be.

But we had a great time alone, our first for 18 months, and maybe our last - before the newborn comes along.

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