This might surprise some folks, but Cat and I don't buy loads of things for Aimee on a whim. Each purchase is discussed in depth and deliberated in detail over the pros and cons. We pour over the research, we imagine if it has a use or long term value and then...we go and buy it anyway.
The latest example is the table and chair as pictured above. On paper, a needless purchase as she could easily and quite happily do her 'creative' expression sitting on the floor. She also seems to be perfectly happy eating from her normal high chair. But the sheer joy and happiness that Aimee shows when she uses her new table set confirms that this was a wise purchase.
Speaking of purchases. Seems like our Mothercare panic buying early days have actually bee put to good use, as Aimee has used at some point all the baby things we have bought, but also Cat has passed on these various items to her friends with new babies, who in turn will pass them back to us when our new little critter arrives.
My next purchase, which I will have to wait until we move in to our new house, is to get Aimee a mini-truck or car that she can wheel around in. She absoltely adores these things, even if reverse gear is her only direction!
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