Boy Yang’s first week passed by and he grows chubbier by the day, Cat swears by the hour! But he is still jaundiced, although the health visitors say it is nothing to be worried about. He also cries a lot when he is not feeding. All he ever wants is his milk, even when he is completely full up. We reckon it is a comfort thing cos he is obviously exhibiting signs of being a mummy’s boy. The easy thing to do in this case would be to shove a pacifier/dummy into his mouth, that way everyone can get rest. But Cat is never gonna allow this. She didn’t with Aimee and won’t do for new boy.
I should mention that we finally got a new front door. It replaced the annoying door that was so drafty you could see the neighbours across the road through the gaps. It is just one of a thousand household things I need to get sorted – like get a garden shed. Cat’s Dad kindly mowed our lawn yesterday. It is so long that I suspect David Bellamy might be lurking in there checking out the wildlife. Yes, a new shed would be very important as it means I am committed to actually having to do garden activities like rake, mow, dig and other gardeney things that people apparently do on weekends (what do I know? I am an inner city flat dweller all my adult life!). Mind you, in order to do that, I would have to venture into the garden itself, something I have not yet done.
Right now, I am just having to deal with the Ever Ready Bunny that is Aimee. Cat seems to have taken on the role of sole new born carer and thus I am totally in charge of Aimee. And what a schedule it is too. Up at 5:30am and immediately the games begin – dancing, singing, playing hide and seek, tickle, jump on daddy, playing stop the Aimee destroying my personal possessions ( a real fave that one) etc etc. It is relentless but there are times of great laughs and real enjoyment for both me and Aimee. The day ends roughly around 8pm and in between there are interludes that pass off as feeding times and nap times. What is important is that Aimee feels she is not left out in all this new baby commotion and she seems slowly to be warming to the crying bundle in the carrycot. Maybe if we gave him a name, it would make things a bit easier. But that’s Cat’s job so we could be waiting a little while.

1-banana, 2-banana, 3-banana-4...
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