Our new addition is fast settling in to family life. The midwife came round today to weigh him and was shocked at how much weight he had put on. He was 7lb 4oz. A pretty decent 7-8oz gain in a little under 5 days since birth. She wondered if they weighed him wrong when he was born. In anycase, she was incredibly gushing about how well he has taken to the breast and she gave Cat nothing but compliments and praise. In passing, she remarked on a recent newborn community visit where she arrived at the home and the mother was nowhere to be found - the father said she had gone to the pub!
Aimee was also weighed for her two-year check-up yesterday, she weighed over 12.45Kilos which is spot on average for her age. She is also 83 cm high which is pretty average and I only add this info as it is useful when buying new clothes for her.
(NB: if you’re wondering why the overlap between metric and imperial weights and measurements – don’t ask me, I’m just writing what the experts tell me are the figures…so much for standardisation).
So still no name for newborn. We’ve toyed with classic old English, classic celt and gaelic, hip and trendy, posh and chavvy. They all don’t seem to chime at the moment. But baby boy is fattening up fast and with his fine blonde hair, actually looks quite Aryan. We did chuckle at calling him Enoch.
Aimee has been funny these past few days. We expected her to play up due to the new addition and she has done, but it is quite subtle. She will play her usual games and hijinks but definitely wants more cuddles and even seems a bit sad and maudlin at times. At one point, I was holding baby and Cat was talking to her Mum and Aimee was protesting by lying on the floor screaming :HELLO, HELLO??? Another moment, we asked to to come into the baby bedroom for some cuddles and she point blank refused and shouting NO NO NO!!!!
I hope she gets over her funk and gets used to baby. Well, she doesn’t have much choice and it will be tougher once I go back to work in a week.
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