Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Great Escape

It had to happen sooner or later. Aimee has now started to climb out of the cot by herself. Those longer legs and stronger arms enable her to clamber out with confidence and at will. In the past, she would raise her leg and plonk it on the guard rail, but not do anything, almost like testing the water.
This afternoon naptime, she got out twice, on each occassion without any harm. No one saw her do it, but heard thethump and her giggling and then running around in her room upstairs. Cat called me at work in quite a shock.
It may be time to consider that Aimee needs to graduate bed types. This is not all bad, in that her old cot can pass to Dylan. But it means a whole new approach to bed times. No more dumping her in the cot and letting her scream until she sleeps. The kid now has legs.

Potty day looming...

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