Dylan reclines in superman pose whilst we eat at the soon to be gone Oriental City Shopping Centre.
The trouble with things that grow in small increments is that you never notice how much they have grown. Take my fig plant. I bought it about 5 years ago and basically left it to rot, watering about once a month if I can even remember. But that darn plant is growing about a foot a month and continues to, if not thrive, then at least survive well despite my neglect. It’s currently taking over my lav with Triffid-like intent.
Luckily for Aimee and Dylan, my sloppy plant keeping skills do not apply to parenting and both are developing at an amazing rate.
Dylan was weighed a week or so back and is a bit over 6Kg. That’s about a kilo a month since his birth, and well over the 75th percentile for his age range. I bought a nice new Britax car seat on Saturday and just expected him to fit into the ‘newborn’ position, but was shocked to discover that he was spilling over the sides. The seat needed several large adjustments before he could be slotted in to fit. I wouldn’t say he is chubby, definitely not compared to his cousin in Thailand, but he’s definitely chunky. And his teething pains are a real torment for all of us as he screams and wails and drools. It could take weeks if not months for the first teg to appear. Aimee used to have really bad teething symptoms for her first few teeth, then only ever mild symptoms after that. A cheeky flash of her broad grin is enough to remind us that the teething thing will eventually pass.
We all cannot wait for the miserable UK winter weather to lighten up. Not least Aimee, who has clearly suffered from being stuck indoors for most of the winter. But as the temperature gets milder and the days a little bit brighter, we’ve started going out much more, and Aimee has clearly enjoyed her trips to the park, playgroups and other activities. Sadly, the potty training has gone literally down the pan as she has not produced a millidrop into the potty, although she’ll happily sit in it for ages. I guess it will happen in time. In the meantime, it’s continue with my 4-times a day phrase: ok Aimee drop your trousers, let’s potty train with Pingu (her new favouritest TV cartoon).
STOP PRESS: Cat just called me to say that Aimee had done her first EVER wee on the potty. She just sat there as usual, watching Pingu and then got up, looked at Cat and said 'wee wee'. Cat was amazed. I can't believe I missed it. Let's hope this is the start of a blossoming new habit.
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