Before Dylan was born, we thought it would be interesting to see what the guide books say about the experience of raising two little kids was. Most books just talked about jealousy management tactics and gleefully advised that no two kids are the same. Hell yeah, I would agree with that.
Already Dylan is showing strong mannerisms that are a world apart from how Aimee was when she was 5 months old. Like the fact that he wants to eat everything you eat. He'll strain and reach and grab and demand everything that you put in your mouth. Aimee was never interested and still is a food fuss pot, eschewing almost anything new. The baby Aimee would look at a new toy with interest. Turning it over and inspecting, maybe putting it in her mouth. Dylan boy bashes, and bangs and chews and bites and smashes. Aimee would be happy if you put her down on the ground and walked away. Dylan screams if you even lost eye contact. Aimee hates my singing and guitar playing. Dylan is soothed by it. Both were early smilers. I think Dylan has caught to the smile and youet a smile back trick earlier. Aimee was a struggle to breast eed. Dylan much les so, but he refuses the bottle so far, whereas it was never a problem with Aimee.
And so on...there are too numerous differences between the two monkeys. Ones thing is for certain with both though. Together, they make mean combination for us to deal with. When bot kickoff with screaming and crying, it's a very stressful time for all. But when they are both sweet, it is lovely.
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