Somehow, the baby and toddler brain just naturally deconstructs everything he or she hears and over a very short period of time, begins to realise how sentances are constructed and what words mean. It's all down to repetition I suppose. Oh, and lots of TV. I know, TV is bad and should not be a substitute nanny. But Aimee just loves Peppa Pig right now. It's the only way we can get her to eat and pee - often at the same time.
Darnit, we'll do better with Dylan, promise.
Speaking of whom. The heavenly angel is now officially the demon child. He screams, and screams, and screams and screams, etc etc etc. Now with added volume. We think strongly that it is his teeth as you can feel ALL of them poking under the gums now (not just the front ones). Although, as yet, they are shy of emerging. God, we hope they do soon, just for our sanity and our hearing. And another thing. He won't drink from the bottle even though we've tried FOUR different brands and a dozen different style teats. He just licks it and blows raspberries. Hmm, I think he knows a lot more than he is able to say.
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