Sunday, July 29, 2007

Trolley Dolly

Aimee was given a new toy - a toddler sized stroller. Of course she loved it immediately and would not stop strolling up and down my parents flat. When it came to dinner time, she would not let go of the handle and I had to lift her into the high chair with the stroller dangling somewhere below. Of course to Aimee, strolling around is not play, it is serious work, and she is a busy bee.
This weekend I particularly noticed how much she is beginning to mimic a good majority of words anyone says. Most of the time with alarming accuracy. For example when I shouted that dinner was ready to my Dad, who is hard of hearing, Aimee repeated the callout word for word. There were many other examples too. It's very cute. Better mind my swear words though.
Poo watch - the new diet is definitely better for Aimee. She loves grapes. Grapes, grapes, grapes! Also apple (cut into interesting shapes) and even the odd strawberry. Add to this wholewheat everything and we have one very regular child. She still does her straining and holding in trick, but there's no fighting it and eventually, she'll go. Phew! You just don't know how much of an obsession worrying about your kids poo can be!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Too many babies? Pah, just try and stop us.

Some baby news: Congratulations to my friends Ginny and Greg on the birth of their third child (!) Megan Nan. Also, a big congrats to my friends Charlie and Liz, who just had their little daughter, also called Megan. It seems now is the time when all my peers are now onto their second or even third child, with us soon to join them. Sorry nasty spoilsport doom-mongers, who say having too many children is damaging the planet, but we’re having our kids and that’s that.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What's up Doc?

We took Aimee off to the doc to ask his opinion about her interesting toilet habit. Just as I predicted, he offered nothing much other than to say she would grow out of it as her digestive system matures. All we can do is continue feeding her a wholesome diet and encourage her to do the No2. As long as she is not lost appetite and/or complaining of tummy pains, then she is fine.
For me, I would rather she exited than stayed-in so to speak so whenever I catch her clenching, I pick her up and cuddle her. She doesn't like it, but it makes the No2 come out.

Other than that, Aimee is developing her mimicking, dancing, chatting and playing skills with remarkable speed.
Today she counted 1-2-3 and almost repeated "I Love You" which comes out more like "I Wub Wu" but it makes us very happy when she says it.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Swing Time

Without sounding too pompous, a lot of people comment on my photos of Aimee and how good they are. Thanks to digital, what you don't see is the thousands of duff shots I take and the hours of 'setting up' of a scene just to get what I want. Poor Aimee, endures my endless photography sessions with good humour. She loves it now. Give a decade and I'll be begging her just to give a half smile and not hunch her shoulders.
In the photo above, I am just visible, milimetres away from getting my lens smacked by Aimee's swinging. I took about 150 exposures and in the end, only chose about 2 which I posted on the Aimee photo album - link on the right.

Aimees poo situation is getting beyond a joke. She stands there screaming in agony but refuses to let anyone help. Her body contorted in rigidity and clenching like there is no tomorrow. She releived herself in the end, but it took all day. We'll continue to monitor the situation and tweek the diet, but I am reluctant to go the laxative/suppository route. Hopefully it will be a short phase before we begin potty training. Or maybe a portent for worse to come..gulp!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Evacuation denial

Aimee currently has a rather embarassing problem. Let me see, how can I put this delicately without putting people off their dinner...well, Aimee seems to be 'scared' to poo. We thought at first, her rather sparse nappy output was down to constipation. And maybe it was in the beginning. A changre of diet to copious fruit, veggie and 'good' carbs and her gut must be in overdrive. And yet, when the mood to go takes over her, she will stand there and fight it with every ounce of energy. It is a strange sight. Aimee curves her entire body to one side, clenches her backside and forcibly resists any natural instinct to empty her bowels. When we check her nappy, there is only a tiny hint of what should actually come out. It is concerning us, we'll monitor it and consult a doctor if it continues.
On a plus note, we bought Aimee a potty and she loves it. But not to poo in. She carries it around like the seasons must-have accessory handbag!