Sunday, August 26, 2007

Neck pain

Poor Cat suffered a terrible cricked neck last night. It was so bad she could not get out of bed so I had to physically hold her head and neck in my hands nice and straight, every tiny movement caused a sharp stabbing pain. Cat seriously thought her neck was broken. Of course it wasn;t but people underestimate the trauma that a whiplash type neck pain can produce.
Aimee thought the fact that Mummy was in a neck brace all very amusing and showed how much she cared by jumping all over Mummy's prone bed-ridden body.
We did all manage to go for a walk in the sunshine later on. The park across the road is handy since we cna now walk Aimee there while holding her hand, so no need for a cumbersome pram. It's really cute hearing her little footsteps pitter patter along the pavement, trying to keep up with us adults.
Let's hope Cat's neck injury goes away fast and we can prepare for our imminent (althought still not yet confirmed) house move.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Watch the Birdie!

Aimee gets excited watching a youtube clip of parrots squawking.

Leaps and Bounds

Aimee did two incredible things yesterday. Her first, was to leap by herself into the cot by bouncing on the adjacent armchair. She has threatened to do this many times before but seemed to always stop short, perhaps lacking courage, and aware of our disapproval. Instead, she will jump onto the chair and just peer over the edge. But last night, after I picked her up from nursery, she zipped into her bedroom and the next thing knew, she was in the cot (which has very high side panels) and she seemed a bit shocked herself.
The other amazing thing she did happened later in the evening. I was mucking around as I usually do, by tickling her feet (with my chin stubble of all things!) and she screamed ‘Naughty Daddy’! I had to take a double back, but Cat was my witness and we both swear that is what she said. A complete sentence and wholly correct in context – a first for Aimee.
She can also recognise numbers. I thought words came first in the reading scale, but numbers is her thing. Whenever she sees the Number FOUR, she says ‘4’. Brilliant, although she does have a habit of saying ‘4’ to 3,2,1,5,6,7,8,9 too. It’s a start I guess.
Our plan to set up a new home is still hanging in nerve inducing limbo. For reasons far too idiotic to explain, we have yet to exchange contracts and without a date, I cannot plan movers, post redirection, bills, nursery notice etc. And with the prospect of our next baby arriving in October, time is getting perilously short. In the meantime, we keep our fingers crossed and count on the fact that a new home, a new life, is the best thing we will be doing for our young family.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hello Kitty

I can't help it. I am officially outing myself out of the closet and admitting that I love buying Aimee girly clothes. I don;t care if the girls section of Gap Kids is full of Mums giving me funny looks, I love buying Aimee cute clothes. He is Aimee from this morning modelling her latest Hello Kitty t-shirt. I kind of went a but crazy at H&M yesterday and bought her tons of Hello Kitty dresses and tops.
How our generations have changed. I'm sure our fathers would not have been seen dead in a girly clothes shop.
I shall make up for it by playing lots of footie and macho manly activities when my soon-to-be son is old enough.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Circus Top

We took Aimee out for a bit of a run-around in Broadgate Circus (Liverpool Street). She ended up owning the place, running around screaming at frightened pigeons and climbing up stairs. It was great fun as Aimee showed off her repertoire of crazy dancing moves and flirty smiles. She even spun herself around and around until she got so dizzy she fell over.